Established in 1955, IAL is a VET provider and practitioners with more than 50 years of experience: in the last threeyears IAL FVG delivered VET services to an average of 10.000 students in the agebracket from 13 to 64. With more than 380 staff members employees, 8 training center an average turnover of 19 Ml EUR (18/19), IAL is the leading organization in the regional VET field. For that purpose, the institution isinvolved in training, research, guidance and advice in Friuli, Italy and even an EU level.
IAL FVG iscredited for allitsoffices from the AutonomousRegion of Friuli Venezia Giulia, adopts the Quality Management System certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and belongs to the register providers ECM (ContinuingMedicalEducation) of the Ministry of Health.
IAL FVG is Lead partner member of the Effe.Pi consortium, in charge of all the youth VET activitiesfinanced by the Regional Government of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region: the 12 members are allaccreditated VET institutions and they cover the wholeterritory and all the training sectors.
IAL FVG is also LP of the APPRENDISTI.FVG consortium whichbrings together 20 partners. Thesesubjects deal with the training of allapprenticeshired with a professionalizing path, external training and pedagogical support for companies.
IAL FVG was a partner of the regional project "Imprenderò 4.0" aimedatpromoting entrepreneurial culture, business creation and transfer financed by the Regional Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020.
IAL has there foregained considerableexperience in adulteducation (unemployed, employed, and SMEsentrepreneurs).IAL FVG isalso an active centre of regional and national networks connected to Research and Development and the business innovation sector. Throughits training and consulting activities IAL hasacquired wide experience in the area of entrepreneurship.
IAL FVG provides administrative and management experience for many projects alsoimplementing ICT and web community activities. IAL alsoparticipates in analysis and identification strategiesaboutquality and qualifications in collaboration with various VET institutions, public and social partners (in the context of the Lisbon and GothenburgProcess and the Qualification Frameworks in Europe).
An keyeconomical component in the IAL system consists in complex multi-regional and trans-national projects, where training isintegrated with other types of assistance suchas research, consultancy and testing of new models.
IAL FVG invests in digital learning and digital training and promotes a Increased ICT knowledge from young people to adults.